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  • »abney317« ist männlich
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Sonntag, 27. April 2014, 08:04

SpongeBob Produktions Kunst Aktion

Hallo allerseits, ich weiß nicht Deutsch sprechen.
Ich versuche, das Wort über diese große Auktion verteilt. Es gibt eine Menge toller SpongeBob Kunst aus 1-Saison. Einiges davon ist teuer, aber ich dachte, ein paar von euch interessiert sein könnten.

Sorry for my lack of good German speaking. This auction isn't mine, but I've bought some stuff from these people before and it's really awesome. Hope this doesn't look like spam...



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  • »ThaddäusTeewurst« ist weiblich

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Sonntag, 27. April 2014, 10:56

I don't really know what you're promoting for... I mean, the site doesn't give exact information, what you can buy there. The pictures only show scenes of the series ?(

1 Benutzer hat sich bedankt.


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  • »Chrdrenkmann« ist männlich

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Sonntag, 27. April 2014, 11:39

First of all, abney317 is right. He is not here for advertising. I know him from an English SpongeBob forum and he is interested to give us information about SpongeBob related stuff. Hopefully, this thread will stay for that reason.

I can see what you're trying to promote. Like it says here, this seems to be original SpongeBob production artwork back from 1999 before they used computers.
No wonder, that the auction aims so high when it comes to prices. However, I'm not sure if anyone on this forum will buy anything from there. Most of the SpongeForum users don't really watch SpongeBob anymore (only the first three seasons) or would purchase foreign pictures.

But who knows... maybe there really will be someone even if it's expensive. At least, you tried. :)



  • »LargeStupidity« ist männlich

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Sonntag, 27. April 2014, 12:07

Please read this post with a thick German accent


Owning a classic animation cel would be so cool. I could put it up on my wall and look at it sometimes for a quick nostalgia rush. Or I could dress it up in pretty clothes and take it for a walk. :love2:

Seriously though, this series used to be so pretty, especially the backgrounds. But 150 to 550 $ as a starting bid for one of these with a background seems a little excessive. That's like 12€ or something.

I'm too unemployed and too living in m mom's basement to afford one of these, but thanks for bringing this to our attention anyway. =)


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  • »ThaddäusTeewurst« ist weiblich

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Sonntag, 27. April 2014, 12:20

Ah, thank you both, now it makes sense :tu:
This is a pretty cool idea, but I wouldn't pay so much just to have a Spongebob Background. But if someone has the money, it would be a good afford.


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  • »Danny8247« ist männlich

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Sonntag, 27. April 2014, 13:23

spongeforum ist eine deutsche forum



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Sonntag, 27. April 2014, 14:17

I've seen an auction/sale(?) like this before, unfortunately only after it was over. They even had some cool smears last time, which ironically were cheaper than the normal pictures.

Too expensive for me, though :(
But thanks for the info.



  • »abney317« ist männlich
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Sonntag, 27. April 2014, 18:30

They've got the cheaper stuff on their main site: http://www.alloriginalanimation.com/
It is a shame that most of us can't afford the expensive items in the auction though. The drawings and cels they've got are pretty cool though.

I did get this one from them, which I think is awesome :P http://i.imgur.com/wxJMp.jpg


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  • »NickNack« ist männlich

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Sonntag, 27. April 2014, 18:41

I've never heard before that people like you and me can bid for original animation scenes. Thanks a lot for this information..



  • »abney317« ist männlich
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Mittwoch, 7. Mai 2014, 22:24

They've added some more items that are a little less expensive, but still not as cheap as the items on their main website.
I thought this one was pretty cool http://www.invaluable.com/auction-lot/th…52#.U2qV2fldXh4
Everyone will probably start bidding on the last day though.

Sorry for this random English topic. I'll try to keep my posting around here to a minimum :p

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